Cannabisblätter mit der Überschrift "was ist H4CBD"

What is H4CBD?

What is H4CBD? A comprehensive introduction to the new cannabinoid Introduction There are constantly new developments and discoveries in the world of cannabinoids. One of the most exciting new ...

H4CBDDNA-Struktur mit der Überschrift "Strukturformel"

Structural formula of H4CBD

Before we deal with the effects of H4CBD in the following block article, it is important to clarify its correct name and structural formula. H4CBD, also known as Hexahydrocannabidiol or Cyclohexy...

H4CBDH4CBD Erfahrungen

H4CBD experiences

H4CBD: How does the H4CBD high feel? The H4CBD high and the associated effects are described very differently in reports. The effects of H4CBD are similar to a mild sativa high, according to some u...

H4CBDEine lachende Frau mit ausgestreckten Armen und der Überschrift "Wirkung"

Effects of H4CBD

H4CBD and the effect on the consumer H4CBD, also known as hydrogenated CBD, is a novel cannabinoid that is attracting increasing interest. In this article we would like to take a closer look at th...